
Thanks to your support, we are able to:
▪ Present outstanding artists from around the world
▪ Provide outreach to the schools and community
▪ Upgrade our sound equipment, performing stage, and facilities

Please become a member of Pacifica Performances. You will receive discounted admissions and will help support our organization at the same time!

To become a member: Pick your membership type and add it to “your cart.” You can pay with your own credit or debit card, or use your PayPal account, if you have one.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please fill out your contact information so that we can mail you your membership card. (We NEVER share this information).

DONATIONS: Whether you are a member already or not, we depend upon and greatly appreciate donations at any time.  To make a donation without changing your membership status, please go to our Donation page.

Thank you so much!

Pacifica Performances offers many different membership options:

  • Individual: $25 for 1 year. Provides a $5 discount on all adult general admission concerts for one person. This does not affect the ticket price for children, which is $12 for children 12 and under.
  • Household: $35 for 1 year. Provides a $5 discount on all adult general admission concerts for all people living in the same house. This does not affect the ticket price for children, which is $12 for children 12 and under.
  • Angel: $50 for 1 year. Same as Household Membership. Your extra $15 donation is greatly appreciated.
  • Benefactor: $100 for 1 year. Same as Angel, plus your name will be listed on our program.
  • Sustainer: $250 for 1 year. Same as Benefactor, your extra donation is greatly appreciated
  • Sponsor: $500 for 1 year. Same as Sustainer, your extra donation is greatly appreciated
  • Lifetime: $1000: Same as Benefactor, No need to renew membership for life.
* indicates required field


($25.00, 918/1000 remaining)
($35.00, 847/1000 remaining)
($50.00, 922/1000 remaining)
($100.00, 947/1000 remaining)
($250.00, 995/1000 remaining)
($500.00, 1000/1000 remaining)
($1,000.00, 999/1000 remaining)